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最简单的方法, 就是在VS2010的C++文件里直接使用__asm{} 直接写汇编代码. 实例代码如下:

#includeusing namespacestd;



chara[10] = "1234";


push eax

push edx

push ecx

lea eax, a

mov cl,byte ptr [eax]

mov dl,byte ptr [eax]

movzx ecx,cl

movzx edx,dl

shr ecx,4

shl edx,4

or ecx,edx

mov byte ptr [eax],cl

inc eax

mov cl,byte ptr [eax]

pop ecx

pop edx

pop eax



另外是书写彻底的汇编代码, 具体步骤如下, 就不翻译了.

How to Use VS2010 to Write Assembly


Using Visual Studio to write an assembly program may be tricky. Specific steps are to be followed in order to be able to create your first MASM x8