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Are you looking for the best WordPress job board plugin? There are several WordPress job board plugins that you can use to easily create a job board and charge other companies to post jobs. It is one of the ways to make money from your blog, and you can even use it to post your own job openings. In this article, we have picked the best WordPress job board plugins and themes that you can use.

您是否在寻找最佳的WordPress工作板插件? 有几个WordPress作业板插件,可用于轻松创建作业板并收取其他公司发布作业的费用。 这是从您的博客中赚钱的方法之一,您甚至可以使用它发布自己的职位空缺。 在本文中,我们选择了可以使用的最佳WordPress作业板插件和主题。

WordPress job board plugin and themes

使用WordPress建立工作委员会网站 (Building a Job Board Website with WordPress)

WordPress is currently one of the most popular website builders in the market, powering more than 30% of all websites on the internet. It can be used to build almost any kind of website including a job board website.

WordPress当前是市场上最受欢迎的网站构建器之一,为互联网上所有网站的30%以上提供动力。 它可以用来建立几乎所有类型的网站,包括工作委员会网站。

There are two types of WordPress websites which often confuses new users. First, there is WordPress.com which is a hosted solution. Second, you have WordPress.org also called self-hosted WordPress. See our article on WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for a side-by-side comparison.

有两种类型的WordPress网站经常会使新用户感到困惑。 首先,有WordPress.com这是一个托管解决方案。 其次,您拥有WordPress.org,也称为自托管WordPress。 请参阅我们在WordPress.com和WordPress.org上的文章,以进行并排比较。

We recommend using self-hosted WordPress.org because it gives you instant access to all WordPress features without any restrictions.


To get started, you will need a domain name and a WordPress hosting account.


We recommend using Bluehost because they are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider, and one of the largest web hosting companies in the world.


They’re also offering our users a free domain, free SSL, and 60% off their web hosting package. See the difference between domain name and web hosting.

他们还向我们的用户提供免费域,免费SSL和60%的网络托管套餐优惠。 查看域名和虚拟主机之间区别

After you have purchased hosting, follow our step by step guide on how to make a website.


Once you have created your WordPress site, you can install a job board plugin.


Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress job board plugins and themes that you can use to build a job board website.


1. WP工作经理 (1. WP Job Manager)

WP Job Manager is an extremely easy to use WordPress job board plugin. Simply create new pages, add shortcodes, and you can have a live job board in minutes. It allows users to register on your website and post their job listings. Users can also manage their listings from a simple dashboard.

WP Job Manager是一个非常易于使用的WordPress作业板插件。 只需创建新页面,添加简码,您就可以在几分钟内创建一个实时工作板。 它允许用户在您的网站上注册并发布他们的工作清单。 用户还可以通过简单的仪表板管理其列表。

You can also use it to make money online with paid listings through add-ons. It also has add-ons to integrate with ZipRecruiter, Indeed, Facebook, WooCommerce stores, and more.

您还可以使用它通过附加组件通过付费列表在线赚钱 。 它还具有与ZipRecruiter,Indeed,Facebook, WooCommerce商店等集成的附加组件。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to create a job board in WordPress.


2. WPJobBoard (2. WPJobBoard)

WPJobBoard is a paid WordPress job board plugin that allows you to add a powerful job search engine to your website. It includes a front-end admin panel for users to submit jobs and resumes. It also includes a resume database and employer portal allowing users to search for the right candidate.

WPJobBoard是付费的WordPress作业板插件,可让您向网站添加功能强大的作业搜索引擎。 它包括一个前端管理面板,供用户提交作业和简历 。 它还包括一个简历数据库和雇主门户,允许用户搜索合适的候选人。

The plugin integrates with all WordPress themes and comes with its own free theme as well. It also allows you to accept payments, offer coupons, discounts, and even membership packages to employers.

该插件集成了所有WordPress主题,并带有自己的免费主题。 它还允许您接受付款,提供优惠券,折扣,甚至向雇主提供会员套餐。

3.职业委员会经理 (3. Job Board Manager)

Job Board Manager is another great plugin to add a job board to your WordPress website. It comes with an easy to use shortcode that you can add to different pages for displaying job listings, adding new job listing, showing user dashboard, and more.

Job Board Manager是另一个很棒的插件,可将工作板添加到WordPress网站。 它带有易于使用的简码 ,您可以将其添加到不同页面以显示工作清单,添加新工作清单,显示用户仪表板等等。

It is SEO friendly and uses Schema.org rich snippets markup for job listings.


It comes with free add-ons to add company profiles, locations, widgets, and breadcrumbs. You can also use paid add-ons for WooCommerce paid listings, job alerts, applications manager, and more.

它带有免费的附加组件,用于添加公司资料,位置,小部件和面包屑。 您还可以将付费附加组件用于WooCommerce付费列表,职位提醒,应用程序管理器等。

4.简单的工作板 (4. Simple Job Board)

Simple Job Board is another easy to use WordPress job board plugin. It does not allow employers to create an account on your website or add their own job listings. Basically, you can use it to manually enter job listings with categories and job types. There are no built-in monetization options in the plugin settings, but you can extend it by adding a simple order form in WordPress.

Simple Job Board是另一个易于使用的WordPress Job Board插件。 它不允许雇主在您的网站上创建帐户或添加自己的工作清单。 基本上,您可以使用它来手动输入具有类别和作业类型的作业列表。 插件设置中没有内置的获利选项,但是您可以通过在WordPress中添加简单的订购单来扩展它。

It allows you to add as many details for each listing as needed, and you can display custom job application forms for job listings.


5.在线申请 (5. Apply Online)

Apply Online is a classified ads management plugin which allows users to quickly respond to listings. It allows you to easily add a job board to your website and start accepting applications.

在线申请是一个分类广告管理插件,允许用户快速响应列表。 它使您可以轻松地将工作板添加到您的网站并开始接受申请。

It has powerful features like ad categories, filters, application form fields, email notifications, and more. One disadvantage of the plugin is that you cannot use it to create a paid job listings website, and you will need to add membership plugin to create subscriptions plans or use a contact form plugin to accept orders.

它具有强大的功能,例如广告类别,过滤器,应用程序表单字段,电子邮件通知等。 该插件的一个缺点是您不能使用它来创建一个带薪工作清单网站,并且您将需要添加成员资格插件来创建订阅计划或使用联系表单插件来接受订单。

6. JobRoller (6. JobRoller)

JobRoller is a powerful WordPress job board theme. It comes with excellent monetization options allowing you to get paid for job listings. It includes separate sections to create a blog page or add landing pages to your job board website.

JobRoller是一个功能强大的WordPress作业板主题。 它具有出色的获利选项,可让您从工作清单中获得报酬。 它包括用于创建博客页面或将登录页面添加到工作委员会网站的单独部分。

It supports both employers and job seeker accounts, includes a resume or CV bank, and comes with Ajax powered search / filter features. It has multiple display options and powerful theme options panel which helps you quickly setup everything.

它支持雇主帐户和求职者帐户,包括简历或简历银行,并具有Ajax支持的搜索/过滤器功能。 它具有多个显示选项和功能强大的主题选项面板,可帮助您快速设置所有内容。

7. JobEngine (7. JobEngine)

JobEngine is a WordPress app theme designed to create a powerful job board website. It allows your users to easily create an account and add listings. You can charge for the job listings on a per job basis or create premium plans. You can also sell featured listings separately. It supports PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, and Authorize.net payment gateways.

JobEngine是WordPress应用程序主题,旨在创建功能强大的求职网站。 它使您的用户可以轻松创建一个帐户并添加列表。 您可以按每个工作对工作清单收费,也可以创建高级计划。 您也可以单独出售特色商品。 它支持PayPal,Stripe,2Checkout和Authorize.net付款网关。

As a theme, it has multiple color choices and design options to control the appearance of your job board. It has multiple sidebars, landing page options, translation-ready and support for multilingual websites.

作为主题,它具有多种颜色选择和设计选项来控制作业板的外观。 它具有多个侧边栏,着陆页选项,可翻译的版本以及对多语言网站的支持。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress job board plugins and themes for your website. You may also want to see our list of the best drag & drop WordPress page builder plugins to further customize your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress工作板插件和主题。 您可能还希望查看我们的最佳拖放WordPress页面构建器插件列表,以进一步自定义您的网站。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-job-board-plugins-and-themes/
