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序言 什么是Autoware
第一章 Autoware安装
第二章 Autoware官方demo运行


1. Autoware的前世今生


Autoware.AI is the world’s first “All-in-One” open-source software for autonomous driving technology. It is based on ROS 1 and available under Apache 2.0 license. It contains the following modules:

Localization is achieved by 3D maps and SLAM algorithms in combination with GNSS and IMU sensors.

Detection uses cameras and LiDARs with sensor fusion algorithms and deep neural networks.

Prediction and Planning are based on probabilistic robotics and rule-based systems, partly using deep neural networks as well.

The output of Autoware to the vehicle is a twist of velocity and angular velocity. This is a part of Control, though the major part of Control stack commonly reside in the by-wire controller of the vehicle.

简言之,Autoware.AI是一个基于ROS 1(https://www.ros.org/)机器人平台打造的一站式自动驾驶开源软件,其中集成了定位、检测、预测、规划、控制等模块。


Autoware.Auto is a project supported by the Autoware Foundation. It is a clean slate rewrite of Autoware. Autoware.Auto applies best-in-class software engineering practices which include pull request reviews, pull request builds, comprehensive documentation, 100% code coverage, a coding style guide, and a defined development and release process, all managed by an open source community manager.

It also has crisply defined interfaces for different modules including messages and APIs and a software architecture designed for determinism such that will be possible to reproduce behaviors live and on development machines.

可以看出,Autoware.Auto是对Autoware.AI的一次重构和优化,为确保开源项目的质量,Autoware.Auto在整个项目代码的管理上面下了大功夫,包括代码规范,代码review,文档化等等。另外相比较Autoware.AI建立在ROS 1上,Autoware.Auto是建立在ROS 2上的。ROS 2相比较ROS 1的改进读者可自行搜索。

2. Autoware相关资源

2.1 代码资源


2.2 文档资源

Autoware Documentation Release 1.9.0 (链接)
Autoware on Board: Enabling Autonomous Vehicles with Embedded Systems (链接)
Autoware Manuals (链接)

