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因为Python很流行,所以相关的学习资料非常的多,我们现在的问题不是缺乏学习资料,而是学习资料鱼龙混杂,难以选择。这里推荐的三本有关Python的学习资料,让你省去大量的在 Python的资源大海中捞针的时间,由浅入深,如果聪明如你,再仔细揣摩,就绝对可以成为Python高手,并且,它们还是免费的!。Python作为现代语言的代表,之所以受欢迎,在于它的现代的快速开发的内在逻辑。打个比方,为了生活便利,你只要学会开车就行,不必要知道怎么造车,修车。 所以如何运用Python去解决各种实际问题,学会利用各种现成的程序库,快速开发项目,是利用Python的最后的方法。而我认为,对初学者来说,Python最重要的贡献是让所有开始学编程的人感受到编程的乐趣。


The 3 Python Books you need to get started. For Free.

By Santiago Basulto

We’re building our own resources including readings, videos and practice. In the meantime, these are the books we can recommend.

We believe that today’s biggest problem in terms of learning Python is NOT the lack of resources, but quite the opposite, the excess of books, posts, tutorials and other resources that become available everyday. If you’re just getting started, getting “100 Free Python Books” will only distract and demoralize you. To get started, you need a curated list of 3 to 5 resources at most and a clear path to follow. These are actually the books (and the order) we recommend our students when they start our Introduction to Python course, so hopefully it can also help you.

Start with Automate the Boring Stuff

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python is a free online book that will take you really slowly through the process of getting started with programming. It goes into a lot of details for many important concepts and we think it’s a great resource for beginners. It has clear explanations and examples intended for beginners.

Think like a computer scientist

Once you’ve done some practice with Python, it’s time to dig a little bit deeper and understand more fundamental programming concepts. For this we recommend Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. At some stages you’ll find it as basic as Automate the Boring Stuff, but it’ll quickly build into more advanced topics like Functional programming and Object Oriented Programming.

Advancing your skills. Diving in.

Now it’s time to start with the more complicated concepts. For that, we recommend Dive into Python 3. This book has a strange structure, jumping to and from different concepts without a clear path. For example, List Comprehensions are introduced before Strings, and to do comprehensions the author starts iterating a Unix-like filesystem ¯_(ツ)_/¯. It’s still a great book and we totally recommend it. Make sure you understand the basics before jumping to it.

Bonus: Python Cookbook

The Python Cookbook is a condensed book containing a lot of important (and advanced) concepts like Concurrency, Metaprogramming and Networking. The only problem it has is it’s odd HTML format. It’s free to read, but not pleasant at all to follow the web version. Pick it up when you feel really comfortable with Python and you want to dig deeper into the nuances of programming. It’ll not be the final resource you’ll use to learn about Networking, but it’ll give you a quick introduction to see if you like it and how to approach it.

Bonus. Algorithms and Data Structures

Pick up this book only if you’re looking to learn Computer Science from a more traditional standpoint. The best book for that is Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python. This book is a great introduction to the basics of Computer Science like sorting algorithms, complexity (Big-O Notation) and traditional data structures.

IMPORTANT: Don’t try to start with this book. I usually employ the analogy of learning how to drive. If you want to learn to drive you will not get a book about car mechanics and physics as your first step. You’ll try to use the car, to operate it and move around. Once you’re comfortable with it you might decide that you want to dig deeper and learn about the internals of it. There are great drivers that don’t know every detail of a car implementation. In the same way, there are great programmers that don’t know about all the sorting algorithms or data structures.

We know this is an opinionated list and might not suit everybody. We’re eager to hear your comments and suggestions, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy coding 😁.

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