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krpano Flash AS3 Plugin Example

for the mxmlc compiler




import flash.display.*;

import flash.text.*;

import flash.events.*;

import flash.utils.*;

import flash.system.*;

[SWF(width="200", height="200", backgroundColor="#000000")]

public class pluginexample extends Sprite


// krpano and plugin interfacing objects

public var krpano : Object = null;

public var plugin : Object = null;

private var xml_value : Number = 100.0; // the value for a custom xml attribute

private var text : TextField = null; // example content (text)

public function pluginexample()


if (stage == null)


// normal startup when loaded as plugin inside krpano

// do nothing here, wait for the 'registerplugin' call from krpano




// direct/standalone startup - show the plugin information / version

stage.scaleMode = "noScale";

stage.align = "TL";

var txt:TextField = new TextField();

txt.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans",14,0xFFFFFF,false,false,false,null,null,"center");

txt.autoSize = "center";

txt.htmlText = "krpano\npluginexample\nversion 1.0";


var resizefu:Function = function(event:Event=null):void


txt.x = (stage.stageWidth - txt.width)/2;

txt.y = (stage.stageHeight - txt.height)/2;


stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizefu);




// registerplugin - startup point for the plugin (required)

// - krpanointerface = krpano interface object

// - pluginpath = the fully qualified plugin name (e.g. "plugin[name]")

// - pluginobject = the xml plugin object itself

public function registerplugin(krpanointerface:Object, pluginfullpath:String, pluginobject:Object):void


// get the krpano interface and the plugin object

krpano = krpanointerface;

plugin = pluginobject;

// first - say hello

krpano.trace(1, "hello from plugin[" + plugin.name + "]");

// add plugin attributes

plugin.registerattribute("mode", "normal");

plugin.registerattribute("value", xml_value, value_setter, value_getter);

// add plugin action (the attribute needs to be lowercase!)

plugin.dosomething = action_dosomething;

// optionally - add some graphical content:

// register the size of the content


// draw a background (on the plugin itself)

var g:Graphics = this.graphics;

g.beginFill(0x0A3264, 0.5);

g.drawRect(0,0, 200,200);


// add a textfield

text = new TextField();

text.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans",14,0xFFFFFF,false,false,false,null,null,"center");

text.autoSize = "center";

text.multiline = true;

text.mouseEnabled = false;

text.htmlText = "Flash
click me";

// the plugin itself is already a Flash Sprite Object,

// so to add addtional Flash DisplayObjects

// just add them to the plugin itself (to this):



// unloadplugin - exit point for the plugin (optionally)

// - will be called from krpano when the plugin will be removed

// - everything that was added by the plugin should be removed here

public function unloadplugin():void


plugin = null;

krpano = null;


// onresize (optionally)

// - width,height = the new size for the plugin

// - when not defined then only the krpano plugin html element will be sized

// - can be used to resize sub elements manually

// return:

// - return true to let krpano scale the plugin automatically

// - return false to disable any automatic scaling

public function onresize(width:int, height:int):Boolean


// redraw the background with the new size

var g:Graphics = this.graphics;


g.beginFill(0x0A3264, 0.5);

g.drawRect(0,0, width,height);


// center the text element

text.x = width/2 - text.textWidth/2;

text.y = height/2 - text.textHeight/2;

return false; // don't do any automatically scaling


private function value_setter(newvalue:Number):void


if (newvalue != xml_value)


krpano.trace(1, "'value' will be changed from " + xml_value + " to " + newvalue);

xml_value = newvalue;



private function value_getter():Number


return xml_value;


private function action_dosomething(...rest):void


// trace the given action arguments

krpano.trace(1, "dosomething() was called with " + rest.length + " arguments:");

for (var i:int=0; i < rest.length; i++)

krpano.trace(1, "arguments[" + i + "]=" + rest[i]);

// trace some infos

krpano.trace(1, "mode=" + plugin.mode);

krpano.trace(1, "lookat=" + krpano.view.hlookat + " / " + krpano.view.vlookat);

// call krpano actions

plugin.accuracy = 1; // disable grid fitting for smoother size changes

krpano.call("tween(width|height, 500|100)", plugin);

krpano.call("lookto(0,0,150); wait(1.0); lookto(90,0,90);");

krpano.call("tween(width|height, 200|200)", plugin);


