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Tailwind is a pretty cool CSS framework.


In this post I’m going to show you how to use Tailwind (v1.0.5) on a Vue app.


It’s 4 simple steps:


In this post I assume the project you want to use Tailwind on is based on Vue CLI 3.

在本文中,我假设要在其上使用Tailwind的项目基于Vue CLI 3。

安装Tailwind (Install Tailwind)

First step is to install Tailwind, using npm or yarn:


# Using npm
npm install tailwindcss --save-dev

# Using Yarn
yarn add tailwindcss --dev

创建一个配置文件 (Create a configuration file)

Next, use the Tailwind command that is provided to create a configuration file.


./node_modules/.bin/tailwind init tailwind.js

This will create a tailwind.js file in the root of your project, adding the basic Tailwind configuration. The file is very long, and I won’t paste it here, but it contains lots of presets that will be very useful later.

这将在项目的根目录中创建一个tailwind.js文件,并添加基本的Tailwind配置。 该文件很长,我不会在这里粘贴它,但是它包含许多预设,以后将非常有用。

配置PostCSS (Configure PostCSS)

Now you need to tweak the PostCSS configuration to make sure Tailwind runs. Add:

现在,您需要调整PostCSS配置,以确保Tailwind运行。 加:

module.exports = {
  "plugins": [

to your postcss.config.js. Create one if it does not exist.

到您的postcss.config.js 。 如果不存在,请创建一个。

Note: if you set Vue CLI to store the configuration in package.json, make sure no PostCSS configuration lies in that file. By default Vue CLI adds these lines:

注意:如果将Vue CLI设置为将配置存储在package.json ,请确保该文件中没有PostCSS配置。 默认情况下,Vue CLI添加以下行:

"postcss": {
    "plugins": {
      "autoprefixer": {}

remove them, or the postcss.config.js file won’t be read.

删除它们 ,否则将不会读取postcss.config.js文件。

创建一个CSS文件 (Create a CSS file)

Now create a CSS file in src/assets/css/tailwind.css and add


@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

将文件导入Vue应用 (Import the file in your Vue app)

Import tailwind in main.js:


import '@/assets/css/tailwind.css'

(@ in vue points to src/)

( @在vue中指向src/ )

That’s it! Now restart your Vue CLI project and it should all work fine.

而已! 现在,重新启动您的Vue CLI项目,它应该都能正常工作。

测试工作正常 (Testing it works fine)

You won’t notice anything unless you add Tailwind-specific classes.


Try for example adding this HTML in one of your templates:


<div class="bg-purple text-white sm:bg-green md:bg-blue md:text-yellow lg:bg-red xl:bg-orange ...">

That should create a colored box.


翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/vue-tailwind/