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I'm going to be in NYC for 3 short days (travel, talk, travel) and Dmitry Lyalin and I were thinking to do a dinner thing on Tuesday evening.

我将在纽约短短三天(旅行,交谈,旅行)和德米特里·莱林( Dmitry Lyalin) ,我想在星期二晚上做晚饭。

I've got an early flight out at 9am on Weds, so we'll be at Queen of Sheba NYC on Tuesday around 6:30pm. Hopefully we won't get kicked out for not having a reservation.

我早9点在Weds起飞,所以我们将在星期二6:30 pm在纽约Sheba皇后区 希望我们不会因没有预订而被赶出去。

Every time I go to ANY town, anywhere in the world for the last 10 years, I always go to the nearest Ethiopian Restaurant. Consequently, if your town has a habesha me'gub beyt I've probably eaten there.

在过去的十年中,每次去世界上任何地方的任何城镇,我都会去最近的埃塞俄比亚餐厅。 因此,如果您的城镇有哈贝沙(habesha),我可能在那儿吃饭。

Ethiopian food is my grub. I could eat it all day long. I'm also into the Amharic Language, and recently Aleme from Beteseb.com read about my interest on my blog and was kind enough to send me a Fidel (The Ethiopian Alphabet is often hung as art), bringing my collection of Fidel to three. Time to find a better place to hang them. (Note, my wife is Ndebele, not Habesha, but I learned the language before I met her).

埃塞俄比亚的食物是我的g。 我可以整天吃。 我也很喜欢阿姆哈拉语,最近来自Beteseb.com的Aleme在我的博客上读到了我的兴趣,并且友好地向我发送了Fidel(埃塞俄比亚字母经常作为艺术品挂起),使我收集的Fidel数量达到了三。 是时候找到一个更好的悬挂它们的地方了。 (请注意,我的妻子是Ndebele,不是Habesha,但我在遇见她之前就已经学习过这种语言)。

So, if you've never had Ethiopian Food, here's a good enough opportunity to come hang out and try it. (Of course, we're all going Dutch.)

因此,如果您从来没有吃过埃塞俄比亚美食,那么这里就有足够的机会出去闲逛并尝试一下。 (当然,我们都是荷兰人。)

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/spontaneous-new-york-ethiopian-nerd-dinner
