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Semitransparent GUI is all the rage these days. This is usually not a good idea. Here, I’ll go into some of the details why transparency (mostly) sucks.

半透明的GUI如今风靡一时。 这通常不是一个好主意。 在这里,我将详细介绍为什么透明度(主要是)很糟糕的一些细节。

Transparency creates visual noise – our eyes are very good at edge detection, and having transparent stuff increases the number of edges that we have to process. Also, a lot of GUI has some sort of layering effect – either through shading, coloring or by using floating windows. Using transparency breaks this layering (in nature, very few things are partially transparent).

透明度会产生视觉噪音-我们的眼睛非常擅长边缘检测,而拥有透明的东西会增加我们必须处理的边缘数量。 另外,许多GUI都有某种分层效果–通过着色,着色或使用浮动窗口。 使用透明性可以打破这种分层(实际上,很少有部分透明性)。

Who got the idea that having a large 50% transparent panel was a good idea? – you can neither see the panel nor the text beneath.Now, I said at the top that semitransparent GUI is ususaly not a good idea – let’s take a look at where it does work:

谁想到拥有50%的大透明面板是个好主意? –您既看不到面板,也看不到下面的文本。现在,我在顶部说半透明的GUI通常不是一个好主意–让我们看一下它在哪里工作:

  • Aperture panels

    Almost completely opaqueAperture is probably the best example of this. Their panels are 95% opaque – so you hardly notice the transparency, they just pick up a tiny bit of color from the underlying pictures.

    几乎完全不透明光圈可能是最好的例子。 它们的面板是95%不透明的-因此您几乎不会注意到透明度,它们只是从下面的图片中拾取了一点点颜色。

  • Almost invisible – The iPhone has this neat trick where they add a soft darkening effect to the entire screen when a modal dialog pops up. You don’t notice the darkening bit, but it makes the modal dialogue stand out.

    几乎不可见 – iPhone具有这种巧妙的技巧,当弹出模式对话框时,它们会在整个屏幕上添加柔和的暗化效果。 您没有注意到变暗的位,但是它使模态对话脱颖而出。

Sometimes as GUI designers, we can’t quite decide whether or not we want the user to see something – and so we are tempted to make them semitransparent. This is bad – we should make up our minds. Either something is there and can be manipulated or it is not. I got that wrong in Unity: When you have a move tool handle going into or away from the screen we want to disable it (dragging sends the object to infinity fast and it blocks the free move handle) – I was scared of confusing user with move handles popping in and out of existence, so I decided to “dull” them down to 50% transparency.This is NOT enough, so now I’m confusing users with handles that can sometimes be dragged and sometimes not.Great work, Nicholas. I’ll fix that later (and blag about it later still) – it’s back to coding for me.Happy Easter!

有时,作为GUI设计人员,我们无法完全确定我们是否希望用户看到某些东西,因此我们很想将其设置为半透明。 这很糟糕–我们应该下定决心。 无论哪种东西存在 ,可以被操纵,或者它不是 。 我在Unity中犯了一个错误:当您有一个移动工具手柄进入或离开屏幕时,我们要禁用它(拖动将对象快速发送到无穷大并阻塞了自由移动手柄)–我害怕将用户与移动手柄突然出现或消失,所以我决定将其“降低”到50%的透明度。这还不够,所以现在我将有时会被拖动甚至有时无法拖动的手柄弄乱了用户。很棒的工作,尼古拉斯。 我待会儿再解决(以后再抱怨)–回到编码上来。复活节快乐!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2008/03/23/thoughts-on-transparency/

不透明度30 透明度多小