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vue 自定义单项选择组件

Vue-多选 (vue-multi-select)

This component gives you a multi/single select with the power of Vuejs components.


依存关系 (Dependencies)

  • required: Vuejs >= 2.x

    必需:Vuejs> = 2.x

安装 (Install)

  1. Clone the repo or npm install vue-multi-select --save

    克隆仓库或npm install vue-multi-select --save

  2. Include the file in your app


    import vueMultiSelect from 'vue-multi-select';

    import vueMultiSelect from 'vue-multi-select';

    import 'vue-multi-select/dist/lib/vueMultiSelect.css'

    import 'vue-multi-select/dist/lib/vueMultiSelect.css'

贡献 (Contributing)

Issues and PR's are much appreciated. When you create a new PR please make it against the develop branch when adding new features and to the fix branch when fixing small issues instead of master.

问题和公关非常感激。 当您创建新的PR时,添加新功能时,请使其与develop分支相对应;在解决小问题而不是master时,请使其与fix分支相对应。

用法和文件 (Usage and Documentation)

参数 类型
选项 目的
过滤器 数组
selectOptions 数组

1.选项(包含用于设置多选的选项) (1. options (Contains options to set the multi-select))

btnLabelString'multi-select'Label on the button
cssSelectedFunction(option) => option['selected'] ? { 'font-weight': 'bold',color: '#5755d9',} : ''Css passed to value
groupsBooleanfalseDisplay or not groups selection
multiBooleanfalseSet single or multiple selection
labelListString'list'Name Attributes for list
labelNameString'name'Name Attributes for value to display
labelSelectedString'selected'Name attributes for value selected
groupNameString'name'Name Attributes for groups to display
参数 类型 默认 描述
btnLabel '多选' 按钮上的标签
cssSelected 功能 (选项)=>选项['已选择']? {'font-weight':'bold',color:'#5755d9',}:'' CSS传递给价值
团体 布尔型 显示或不显示组选择
布尔型 设置单选或多选
labelList “清单” 列表的名称属性
labelName '名称' 显示值的名称属性
labelSelected “选定” 所选值的名称属性
团队名字 '名称' 要显示的组的名称属性

2.筛选器适用于选择许多选项 (2. filters to apply to select many options)

// Exemple with Select/Deselect all
const filters = [];
  nameAll: 'Select all', // label when want to select all elements who answer yes to the function
  nameNotAll: 'Deselect all', //label when want to deselect all elements who answer yes to the function
  func: (elem) => true

// Second exemple to select all elements who contain 2
  nameAll: 'Select all elements with 2',
  nameNotAll: 'Deselect all elements with 2',
  func: (elem) => {
    if (elem.name.indexOf('2') !== -1) {
      return true;
    return false;

3.要选择/取消选择的元素 (3. elements to select/deselect)

// when groups not set or false
data = [
  {name: 'choice 1'}, // Name can be changed with labelName in options
  {name: 'choice 2'},
  {name: 'choice 3'},
  {name: 'choice 4'},
  {name: 'choice 5'},

// or just an array
// it's also possible when to have an array of strings
// in list when groups is set to true.
data = [
  'choice 1',
  'choice 2',
  'choice 3',
  'choice 4',
  'choice 5',

// when groups set to true

data = [{
  name: 'choice 1', // Can be changed with tabName in options
  list: [
    {name: 'choice 1'}, // Name can be changed with labelName in options
    {name: 'choice 2'},
    {name: 'choice 3'},
    {name: 'choice 4'},
    {name: 'choice 5'},
}, {
  name: 'choice 10', // Can be changed with tabName in options
  list: [
    {name: 'choice 11'}, // Name can be changed with labelName in options
    {name: 'choice 12'},
    {name: 'choice 13'},
    {name: 'choice 14'},
    {name: 'choice 15'},

4.选择值 (4. values selected)

[ {name: 'choice 1'}, {name: 'choice 11'}] // In the case we selected choice 1 and choice 11

5.例子 (5. Examples)

      :selectOptions="data" />

import vueMultiSelect from 'vue-multi-select';
import 'vue-multi-select/dist/lib/vue-multi-select.min.css';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      name: 'first group',
      values: [],
      data: [{
        name: 'first group',
        list: [
          { name: '0' },
          { name: '2' },
          { name: '3' },
          { name: '8' },
          { name: '9' },
          { name: '11' },
          { name: '13' },
          { name: '14' },
          { name: '15' },
          { name: '18' },
      }, {
        name: 'second group',
        list: [
          { name: '21' },
          { name: '22' },
          { name: '24' },
          { name: '27' },
          { name: '28' },
          { name: '29' },
          { name: '31' },
          { name: '33' },
          { name: '35' },
          { name: '39' },
      filters: [{
        nameAll: 'select <= 10',
        nameNotAll: 'Deselect <= 10',
        func: (elem) => {
          if (elem.name <= 10) {
            return true;
          return false;
      }, {
        nameAll: 'Select contains 2',
        nameNotAll: 'Deselect contains 2',
        func: (elem) => {
          if (elem.name.indexOf('2') !== -1) {
            return true;
          return false;
      options: {
        multi: true,
        groups: true,
        btnLabel: 'A simple vue multi select',
  methods: {
    updateValues(values) {
      this.values = values;
  components: {

构建设置 (Build Setup)

- `npm run dev`: Shortcut to run both dev:lib and dev:docs in parallel using.

- `npm run dev:lib`: Runs webpack watch mode on your library so file changes are built and re-written to disk automatically.

- `npm run dev:docs`: Runs both the development server for your docs/demo site.

- `npm run build`: Shortcut to run both build:lib and build:docs.

- `npm run build:lib`: Production ready build of your library as an ES6 module (via UMD), ready to import into another project via npm.

- `npm run build:docs`: Production ready build of your docs site for your library. Put this build online so you can demo your library to the world and provide documentation.

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/a-custom-component-to-make-select-multiselect-for-vue2/

vue 自定义单项选择组件