一、画图 http://docs.juliaplots.org/latest/tutorial/#Plotting-in-Scripts
using Plots
# gr() # use GR as backend
- 对数图
p1 = plot(err, yscale=:log10, label="err_norm") # notice :log10 instead of log10
具体每个backend 的支持的yscaleReference Supported Attributes · Plots
2. 保存图片
savefig("myplot.png") # Saves the CURRENT_PLOT as a .png
savefig(p, "myplot.pdf") # Saves the plot from p as a .pdf vector graphic
3. 多图 Tutorial · Plots
plot!(...) # http://docs.juliaplots.org/latest/tutorial/#Changing-the-Plotting-Series
# or
y = rand(10, 4)
plot(x, y, layout = (4, 1))
# or
p1 = plot(x, y) # Make a line plot
p2 = scatter(x, y) # Make a scatter plot
p3 = plot(x, y, xlabel = "This one is labelled", lw = 3, title = "Subtitle")
p4 = histogram(x, y) # Four histograms each with 10 points? Why not!
plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, layout = (2, 2), legend = false)
# and more
4. 坐标轴 Axis Attributes · Plots
Home · SymPyjuliahub.com当前Julia 中的计算还是需要借助Python 的SymPy (两个库,链接不一样)。Julia库SymPy.jl相当于提供wrapper.
- 安装调用
pip install sympy
# Pkg.add("SymPy")
# # run this in
using LinearAlgebra # get norm
using SymPy # we will get symbolic norm function automatically
2. 一些简单的入门可以参考
http://mth229.github.io/symbolic.html#Introductionmth229.github.io Simplification · SymPyjuliahub.com3. 打印latexSimplification · SymPy3. 打印latex
解决方案使用PyCall 调用 SymPy库中的latex Printing - SymPy 1.6.2 documentation
latex = sympy.latex # define a function we can use these function **latex** to generate latex code
4. 新建变量的几种方式
@vars x ϵ # 1
x, ϵ = symbols("x ϵ") # 2
x, ϵ = Sym("x ϵ") # 3
5. 矩阵Matrices · SymPy
A= Sym[1 -1; 3 4; 0 2]
A = [Sym(1) -1; 3 4; 0 2] ## using an annotation to ensure the type. Alternatively, through promotion, just a single symbolic object will result in the same:
A = [1//11 3] # sometimes can use built in Rational type in Julia
# The following construction should be avoid
# Sym[1 -1; 3 4; 0 2] |> typeof # 3x1
# sympy.Matrix([1 2 3;2 3 4;3 4 5 ]) |> typeof # 3x2
# sympy.Matrix([1 2 3;2 3 4;3 4 5 ]) # . As shown, it is better to avoid the sympy.Matrix constructor when possible, and when not, only pass in a symbolic array created through Julia's array semantics.
6. 矩阵切片与MATLAB 有巨大不同,似乎与Python 相同
A=[1 2 3 3;2 3 4 5;3 4 5 7; 4 5 6 11]
# want the 1st row
A[1,:] ## give a column vector !!!!
##4-element Array{Int64,1}:
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 3
A[:,1] * A[1,:] # gives error, dimension does not match
# The right way to do it
A[:,1] * A[1,:]' # transpose manually
7. 化简公式
# you'd better add .|> simplify everywhere
x^2 / x .|> simplify # remember the dot
# without the dot, the performance degrade a lot.
# Notice that += -= /= does not fit very well with .|> and |>
# for example
A[:,I] /= norm(z) .|> simplify # does not work well. Use A[:,I] = A[:,I] / norm(z) .|> simplify
8. 类似于MATLAB的fplot
plot(x->x^2 - 2x) # just like fplot MATLAB
# x -> x^2-2x <--- return a function. This function serves as a parameter in plot
# see https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/functions/#man-anonymous-functions
plot([sin cos]) # plot sin and cos in the same canvas
plot(x->x^2 - 2x, 0, 4)
Julia 中为方便的debug,这样,这一行就会达到和 MATLAB 中不打分号的效果。
- 用macro @show
@show a = 1+2
# a |> display # use |>
# print( ...)
2. 单位阵与Matlab不同-- so simple
I # capital i
似乎有什么很好的特性,比 eye(n) 实现要好,可参考
Why `eye` has been deprecated?discourse.julialang.org3. 关于括号
A'(b - c) # just don't do that
d = b - c
A'd # work
4. Frobenius Norm
norm(A) # Frobenius norm
opnorm(A, 2) # l2 norm
5. 文件读取 ——替代MATLAB中load()函数
- 读取 txt 文件,阅读分隔符文件 · Julia中文文档,可知txt等文件
- 读写 .mat (MATLAB)文件 使用JuliaIO/MAT.jl 包。PS:应该属于半官方库吧,原因1:首先Github用户名,2.可以在Julia仓库的issue reading MAT files · Issue #805 · JuliaLang/julia 中找到其中一个 developer timholy 的首肯。
- 读写 csv 文件,使用 JuliaData/CSV.jl 。
- 如果需要确定自己所在的文件夹路径,不想切换到Shell中,也直接使用
Example 读取txt文件为例
# current directory /home/user/Desktop/
using DelimitedFiles
# data are in /home/user/Desktop/data_problem/
# if we want
# /home/user/Desktop/data_problem/data.txt
# /home/user/Desktop/data_problem/label.txt
A = readdlm(datadir * "data.txt")
y = readdlm(datadir * "label.txt");
# function * <---- Concatenate strings and/or characters, producing a String.