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Are you looking for the best Authorize.net plugin for WordPress?


Authorize.net is a popular payment gateway that allows you to easily accept credit card payments on your website.


In this article, we’ll compare the best Authorize.Net WordPress plugins that you can use to accept online payments on your website.

在本文中,我们将比较最好的Authorize.Net WordPress插件,您可以使用它们在您的网站上接受在线支付。

The Best Authorize.Net plugins for WordPress

为什么使用Authorize.Net WordPress插件进行付款? (Why Use Authorize.Net WordPress Plugins to Take Payments?)

Authorize.Net lets you easily accept payments on your website. It’s a seamless process for your customers because they can pay through credit or debit card directly on your website.

Authorize.Net使您可以轻松地在您的网站上接受付款。 对于您的客户来说,这是一个无缝的过程,因为他们可以直接在您的网站上通过信用卡或借记卡付款。

Since Authorize.Net works with your normal merchant bank account, it often have lower fees compared with popular online payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal.


With that said, let’s take a look at the best Authorize.Net plugins for WordPress that lets you easily accept online payments (without writing any code).


1. WPForms (1. WPForms)

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder on the market. It comes with an easy to use drag and drop interface with pre-made form templates to easily make any type of form including payment forms.

WPForms是市场上最好的WordPress表单生成器 。 它带有易于使用的拖放界面以及预制的表格模板,可轻松制作包括付款表格在内的任何类型的表格。

You’ll need at least their Elite plan to access the Authorize.net addon. This also gives you access to WPForms’s all other addons including Stripe and PayPal payment gateways.

您至少需要他们的Elite计划才能访问Authorize.net插件。 这也使您可以访问WPForms的所有其他插件,包括Stripe和PayPal付款网关。

Simply create an online payment form and install the WPForms ‘Authorize.Net’ addon.


WPForms lets you easily configure your form to send an email notification to more than one person. For instance, you could send a receipt to the customer and send order details to your team members.

WPForms允许您轻松配置表单以将电子邮件通知发送给多个人 。 例如,您可以向客户发送收据,并向团队成员发送订单详细信息。

You can use WPForms for all types of forms, like contact forms and even surveys and polls.


2. MemberPress (2. MemberPress)

MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin out there. It allows you to easily build a membership website and restrict any content to paid subscribers and members.

MemberPress最好的WordPress会员插件 。 它使您可以轻松地建立会员网站,并将任何内容限制为付费订户和会员。

If you want, you can even protect just part of a post or page by using a shortcode. This can be a great way to provide an introduction or teaser for your content, before encouraging your site’s visitors to subscribe.

如果需要,您甚至可以通过使用简码来保护帖子或页面的一部分。 在鼓励网站访问者订阅之前,这可能是为您的内容提供简介或预告片的好方法。

With MemberPress, you can charge a one-off fee or set up a recurring subscription. Plus, you can set up a cheap or free trial period to encourage new users to join.

使用MemberPress ,您可以一次性收取费用或设置定期订阅。 另外,您可以设置便宜或免费试用期,以鼓励新用户加入。

MemberPress also gives you content dripping features. These let you restrict content, so it’s only shown once someone has been a member for a certain period of time. This makes MemberPress a great tool for running online courses.

MemberPress还为您提供了内容丰富的功能。 这些可让您限制内容,因此仅当某人成为会员一段时间后才显示。 这使MemberPress成为运行在线课程的绝佳工具。

With the ‘Developer’ plan, you can use Authorize.Net as your payment gateway for MemberPress. This is a great option if you process a lot of credit card transactions.

通过“开发人员”计划,您可以将Authorize.Net用作MemberPress的付款网关。 如果您处理大量的信用卡交易,这是一个很好的选择。

3. WooCommerce (3. WooCommerce)

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress that lets you build a complete online store.


Along with Stripe and PayPal, WooCommerce also has payment gateway integrations for Authorize.Net and many other payment gateway solutions.


To accept payments on your online store using Authorize.Net, you will need to use an extension like WooCcommerce Authorize.net or YITH’s WooCommerce Authorize.Net.

要使用Authorize.Net在您的在线商店上接受付款,您将需要使用扩展名,例如WooCcommerce Authorize.netYITH的WooCommerce Authorize.Net

If you’re looking to build a complete eCommerce store with all the powerful features like shipping, taxes, inventory management, etc, then we recommend using WooCommerce.


For simple order forms or payment forms, WPForms is the best option.


Related: See our guide on how to start an online store and our comparison of the best eCommerce plugins.


4. GiveWP (4. GiveWP)

GiveWP is the best donations plugin for charities and nonprofits who want to raise money online. It’s really easy to use and has lots of powerful features to help you reach your fundraising goals.

GiveWP是想要在网上筹集资金的慈善机构和非营利组织的最佳捐赠插件 。 它非常易于使用,并具有许多强大的功能来帮助您实现筹款目标。

With GiveWP, you can tweak every aspect of the donation process. You can accept multi-level donations, set campaign level donation goals, offer different currency options, provide tax-deductible donation receipts, and much more.

使用GiveWP,您可以调整捐赠过程的各个方面。 您可以接受多级捐赠,设置广告系列级捐赠目标,提供不同的币种选项,提供可抵税的捐赠收据等。

You also get detailed reports in GiveWP, where you can view how your different campaigns are performing. You can easily see who your top donors are and you can even add notes about them for internal use by your team.

您还可以在GiveWP中获得详细的报告,在其中可以查看不同广告系列的效果。 您可以轻松查看谁是您的主要捐助者,甚至可以添加有关他们的注释以供团队内部使用。

GiveWP integrates with Authorize.Net, even on the ‘Basic’ plan. This makes it really affordable for you to take credit and debit cards directly from your site.

GiveWP与Authorize.Net集成在一起,甚至在“基本”计划上也是如此。 这样一来,您可以直接从您的站点直接取信用卡和借记卡,实在负担得起。

5.限制Content Pro (5. Restrict Content Pro)

Restrict Content Pro is another great option if you want to create members-only content on your site. It works really well with the WordPress interface, and beginners find it easy to get started with.

如果您要在网站上创建仅会员内容,则Restrict Content Pro是另一个不错的选择。 它在WordPress界面上非常有效,并且初学者发现它很容易上手。

You can easily send welcome emails to your members, create different subscription packages with multiple levels, offer discount codes, and much more. Restrict Content Pro is a fully-featured plugin that lets you do everything you need to run a membership site.

您可以轻松地向您的成员发送欢迎电子邮件,创建具有多个级别的不同订阅包,提供折扣代码等等。 Restrict Content Pro是功能齐全的插件,可让您执行运行会员网站所需的一切。

It’s got built-in integration with Easy Digital Downloads, too, making it a great option if you’re already using that. You can also hide content within a post or page using shortcodes, as with MemberPress.

它还与Easy Digital Downloads进行了内置集成,如果您已经在使用它,则使其成为一个不错的选择。 与MemberPress一样,您也可以使用短代码隐藏帖子或页面中的内容。

You can use Authorize.Net with Restrict Content Pro’s cheapest ‘Personal’ license as the Authorize.Net addon itself is free. This makes it a good alternative to MemberPress if you’re on a tight budget.

您可以将Authorize.Net与Restrict Content Pro最便宜的“个人”许可一起使用,因为Authorize.Net插件本身是免费的。 如果您的预算有限,那么它是MemberPress的理想选择。

Note: There’s also a free version called Restrict Content. However, this doesn’t let you use Authorize.Net.

注意:还有一个免费版本,称为“限制内容”。 但是,这不允许您使用Authorize.Net。

6. WP开票 (6. WP Invoicing)

WP Invoicing is a great invoicing plugin for anyone who needs to create and send invoices. It has a lot of other useful features, too.

WP发票是一个很棒的发票插件,适合需要创建和发送发票的任何人。 它还具有许多其他有用的功能。

For instance, WP Invoicing lets you manage taxes and VAT for European countries. It also gives your customers the opportunity to settle your invoices directly on your website through various payment gateways, including Authorize.Net.

例如,通过WP Invoicing,您可以管理欧洲国家/地区的税金和增值税。 它还使您的客户有机会通过各种支付网关(包括Authorize.Net)直接在您的网站上结算您的发票。

You can set up automatic email reminders using WP Invoicing, saving you time on chasing up payments. This is particularly useful for freelancers who may not have any administrative support. You can also set up recurring payments.

您可以使用WP Invoicing设置自动电子邮件提醒,从而节省了继续付款的时间。 这对于可能没有任何管理支持的自由职业者特别有用。 您还可以设置定期付款。

WP Invoicing integrates with a number of other apps, so that you can make invoices automatically. You can even create an invoice or quote when a specific contact form is submitted.

WP发票与许多其他应用程序集成,因此您可以自动创建发票。 您甚至可以在提交特定联系表格时创建发票或报价。

最后的想法:哪个是WordPress最好的Auhorize.Net插件? (Final Thoughts: Which is the Best Auhorize.Net plugin for WordPress?)

We believe that the best Authorize.Net WordPress plugin will vary based on your exact needs, but for the wide-variety of use-cases: WPForms is the best Authorize.Net plugin for WordPress.

我们认为,最好的Authorize.Net WordPress插件会根据您的实际需求而有所不同,但是对于各种用例而言: WPForms是WordPress最好的Authorize.Net插件。

If you’re looking to create a membership site or online course, then MemberPress is the best solution.


If you’re looking to create a full-featured eCommerce store, then WooCommerce is the best solution.


We hope this article helped you find the best Authorize.Net WordPress plugins. You may also want to see our comparisons of the best business phone services, and the best email marketing services for growing your small business.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最好的Authorize.Net WordPress插件。 您可能还希望查看我们对最佳企业电话服务最佳电子邮件营销服务的比较,以帮助您发展小型企业。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-authorize-net-wordpress-plugins/
