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mysql 运行一小段时间后,速度变得奇慢。而CPU基本空闲状态!


WIN 2003 + APACHE2.2 + PHP5 + MYSQL 5.1.54



1. INNODB,ibdata 有30G

2. 有近2万张表,表的字段比较少(基本上10几个字段,最多有40个字段);

3. 大部分表的记录数,不超过3万条;只有个别表的记录有百万条的数量级。


1. 连接只有几十个,其中,有几个连接是后台守护程序在用,查询和写入的频率很高(类似实时系统)。


1. 在MYSQL控制台下面,不管是什么操作(查询/更新),都非常慢(一张1万条记录的用户表,查记录数都要几秒~几十秒)。而此种情况下:mysqld占用约500M内存,CPU基本上都是2%(好像不工作)。重启MYSQL后,稍微好一点,但不一会,又开始很慢。

对比:最奇怪的是,之前的速度比较正常,mysqld 占用约500M内存,CPU占用50%,MYSQL查询速度比较OK(都是0.0X秒)。



# MySQL Server Instance Configuration File

# ----------------------------------

# Generated by the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard



# Installation Instructions

# ----------------------------------


# On Linux you can copy this file to /etc/my.cnf to set global options,

# mysql-data-dir/my.cnf to set server-specific options

# (@localstatedir@ for this installation) or to

# ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.


# On Windows you should keep this file in the installation directory

# of your server (e.g. C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server X.Y). To

# make sure the server reads the config file use the startup option

# "--defaults-file".


# To run run the server from the command line, execute this in a

# command line shell, e.g.

# mysqld --defaults-file="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server X.Y/my.ini"


# To install the server as a Windows service manually, execute this in a

# command line shell, e.g.

# mysqld --install MySQLXY --defaults-file="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server X.Y/my.ini"


# And then execute this in a command line shell to start the server, e.g.

# net start MySQLXY



# Guildlines for editing this file

# ----------------------------------


# In this file, you can use all long options that the program supports.

# If you want to know the options a program supports, start the program

# with the "--help" option.


# More detailed information about the individual options can also be

# found in the manual.




# ----------------------------------


# The following options will be read by MySQL client applications.

# Note that only client applications shipped by MySQL are guaranteed

# to read this section. If you want your own MySQL client program to

# honor these values, you need to specify it as an option during the

# MySQL client library initialization.







# ----------------------------------


# The following options will be read by the MySQL Server. Make sure that

# you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this

# file.




# The tcp/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on


#Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this.

basedir="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/"

#Path to the database root


# The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is

# created and no character set is defined


# The default storage engine that will be used when create new tables when


# Replication Master Server (default)

# binary logging is required for replication



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