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Whether you’re using Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, adding images and other objects adds visual appeal to your document, spreadsheet, or presentation. Here’s how to do it.

无论您使用的是Microsoft Word,Excel还是PowerPoint,添加图像和其他对象都会为您的文档,电子表格或演示文稿增加视觉吸引力。 这是操作方法。

从计算机插入图像 (Inserting Images from Your Computer)

Office applications allow you to insert images stored on your computer’s hard drive. To do so, place the cursor in the location that you would like the image to appear and select the “Pictures” option, found in the “Insert” tab.

Office应用程序允许您插入存储在计算机硬盘上的图像。 为此,请将光标放在您要显示图像的位置,然后选择“插入”选项卡中的“图片”选项。

In Word or Excel, this option can be found in the “Illustrations” group.


Insert a Picture in Word or Excel

In PowerPoint, it’s found in the “Images” group.


Insert a Picture in PowerPoint

File Explorer will open. Navigate to the location of the image file, select it, then select “Insert.”

文件资源管理器将打开。 导航到图像文件的位置,选择它,然后选择“插入”。

Selecting the picture from File Explorer

The image will now be inserted.


从网络插入图像 (Inserting Images from the Web)

If you don’t have the image you want to insert stored locally on your computer, you can pull one from the web directly from the Office app. To get started, in Word and Excel, click on the “Insert” tab, locate the “Illustrations” group, and select “Online Pictures.”

如果您没有要插入的图像本地存储在计算机上,则可以直接从Office应用程序从网络中提取一张。 首先,在Word和Excel中,单击“插入”选项卡,找到“插图”组,然后选择“在线图片”。

Online pictures in Word or Excel

In PowerPoint, go to the “Images” group within the “Insert” tab. From there, select “Online pictures.”

在PowerPoint中,转到“插入”选项卡中的“图像”组。 从那里选择“在线图片”。

Online Pictures in PowerPoint

Bing’s Image Search will appear in a separate window. Input the search terms in the search bar and select the image that you want to insert. Once selected, click “Insert.”

Bing的图片搜索将出现在单独的窗口中。 在搜索栏中输入搜索词,然后选择要插入的图像。 选择后,点击“插入”。

Search for online pictures

You can also select and insert multiple images at once using this method.


插入图表 (Inserting Charts)

Charts are a good resource for displaying trends in data over a set period. If charts are what you’re looking for, you can find the option in the “Illustrations” group of the “Insert” tab in Word and PowerPoint.

图表是用于显示设定时间段内数据趋势的良好资源。 如果要查找图表,则可以在Word和PowerPoint的“插入”选项卡的“插图”组中找到该选项。

Select Chart option

Selecting the “Chart” option will open the “Insert Chart” dialogue box. Select a category on the left-hand side, click the chart you want to use, then choose “OK.”

选择“图表”选项将打开“插入图表”对话框。 在左侧选择一个类别,单击要使用的图表,然后选择“确定”。

Select and insert chart

The chart will be inserted.


With one of the major purposes of Excel being to display data trends, Microsoft gave it a dedicated “Charts” section—along with a “Tours” and “Sparklines” section—for quicker access to the selection of charts available in Office.

由于Excel的主要目的之一是显示数据趋势,因此Microsoft为它提供了专用的“图表”部分以及“ Tours”和“ Sparklines”部分,以便更快地访问Office中可用的图表选择。

Charts in Excel

拍摄并插入屏幕截图 (Taking and Inserting Screenshots)

Office has a built-in snipping tool that allows you to take screenshots and place them directly in your document. This option can be found in the “Illustrations” group on Word and Excel of the “Insert” tab.

Office具有内置的截图工具,可用于截取屏幕截图并将其直接放置在文档中。 可以在“插入”选项卡的Word和Excel的“插图”组中找到此选项。

Screenshot in Word, Excel

In PowerPoint, you’ll find the option in the “Images” group.


Screenshot in PowerPoint

Once you select the “Screenshot” option, a drop-down menu will appear. It will display a snapshot of any window you currently have open on your computer. If you wish to insert one of those, simply clicking it will do the trick. If you want to take a screenshot of a specific portion of the screen, you can select “Screen Clipping.”

选择“截屏”选项后,将出现一个下拉菜单。 它将显示您当前在计算机上打开的任何窗口的快照。 如果您想插入其中之一,只需单击即可。 如果要截取屏幕特定部分的屏幕截图,则可以选择“屏幕剪辑”。

Screenshot tools

Once selected, all you need to do to capture part of your screen is click, drag, and release. The portion you captured will automatically appear in your document.

选择后,只需单击,拖动并释放即可捕获屏幕的一部分。 您捕获的部分将自动出现在文档中。

插入形状 (Inserting Shapes)

Sometimes a simple shape is all you need to illustrate a point. If a shape is what you’re looking for, select “Shapes” found in the “Insert” tab’s “Illustrations” group on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

有时候,您只需要一个简单的形状即可说明一个点。 如果您要寻找的是形状,请选择在Word,Excel和PowerPoint的“插入”选项卡的“插图”组中找到的“形状”。

Insert Shapes

A drop-down menu will appear, showing a library of shapes. Select the one you wish to insert.

将出现一个下拉菜单,显示一个形状库。 选择您要插入的那个。

If you want to tweak a shape a little, you can do so by using its edit points. Alternatively, you can draw and edit your own shape if you can’t find the shape you’re looking for.

如果要稍微调整形状 ,可以使用其编辑点来进行。 另外,如果找不到所需的形状,则可以绘制和编辑自己的形状

插入图标 (Inserting Icons)

You can also help illustrate your point by using symbols and icons. By selecting “Icons” in the “Illustrations” group of the “Insert” tab on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you’ll find a generous selection of icons to choose from.

您还可以通过使用符号和图标来帮助说明您的观点。 通过在Word,Excel和PowerPoint的“插入”选项卡的“插图”组中选择“图标”,您将找到大量可供选择的图标。

Select Icons

In the new window that appears, you can browse through the selection of icons provided by Microsoft. Once you find the one you’re looking for, select “Insert.”

在出现的新窗口中,您可以浏览Microsoft提供的图标。 找到所需的内容后,选择“插入”。

choose and insert icon

The icon will now appear in your Office app.


插入3D模型 (Inserting 3D Models)

Office offers a selection of 3D models, providing a unique resource for users wanting to rotate an object to see it from all angles. This option can be found in the “Illustrations” group of the “Insert” tab.

Office提供了多种3D模型,为想要旋转对象以从各个角度查看对象的用户提供了独特的资源。 可以在“插入”选项卡的“插图”组中找到此选项。

3D Models

Selecting “3D Models” will open a new window. Here, navigate through the different models available and choose the one you wish to use. Once selected, click “Insert.”

选择“ 3D模型”将打开一个新窗口。 在这里,浏览可用的不同模型,然后选择要使用的模型。 选择后,点击“插入”。

select and insert 3D model

The 3D model will now be inserted. To rotate the model, click and drag from the middle of the image.

现在将插入3D模型。 要旋转模型,请单击并从图像中间拖动。

Rotating Cow GIF

插入SmartArt (Inserting SmartArt)

SmartArt provides a collection of diagrams, lists, charts, and so on. To insert a SmartArt graphic, select “SmartArt,” found in the “Illustrations” group of the “Insert” tab in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

SmartArt提供了图表,列表,图表等的集合。 要插入SmartArt图形,请在Word,Excel和PowerPoint的“插入”选项卡的“插图”组中选择“ SmartArt”。

Select SmartArt option

The “Choose a SmartArt Graphic” dialogue box will appear. Select a category from the list on the left-hand side. Next, choose your graphic, then select “OK.”

将出现“选择SmartArt图形”对话框。 从左侧列表中选择一个类别。 接下来,选择您的图形,然后选择“确定”。

select and insert smartart

Your SmartArt will now be inserted.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/439038/how-to-insert-a-picture-or-other-object-in-microsoft-office/